Swiss Gin Special Edition 2023

Swiss Gin

advent Calendar

24 Gins mit einer Vielfalt der Schweiz.

Your calendar contains 24 bottles with 20ml content. Further down on this page you will find information about the 24 different gins that you can taste during the Advent season.

Your 24 gin bottles contain...


Monkey in a Bottle Gold London Dry Gin 

Origin: Aarau

Alcohol content: 43%

The Aarau Gin Manufactory was founded by Jean Francesco Hächler and Michael Stampfli, both of whom have a passion for gin. Their Monkey in the Bottle is brand new to the market with three versions, with the London Dry Gin Monkey in a Bottle already winning the first awards. The stoneware bottle is adorned with a monkey in an elegant suit. In addition to typical juniper, baobab (baobab tree), angelica root and ginger were used as botanicals for the gold edition of the Monkey in the Bottle London Dry Gin.


Tasting Notes:

Nose: intense lemon aroma with floral notes and subtle earthy hints.

Palate: strong herbal notes with hints of coriander

Finish: subtly peppery


Orma Gin


Alkoholgehalt: %


Basilisk Basel Dry Gin

Origin: Ettingen

Alcohol content: 44%

Basilisk Gin in a new design. The spicy, fresh dry gin with spices from traditional Basel cuisine and a floral note thanks to the addition of hibiscus blossoms. Distilled in the region and bottled by hand. The contents of the Basilisk Dry Gin come from organic farming and have been carefully selected and processed. The result is a drink that is suitable for both puristic gin lovers and gin and tonic connoisseurs.


Tasting Notes:

Nose: aromas of cloves, cinnamon and cardamom paired with the floral note of hibiscus

Palate: light and classic

Finish: dry


Moustache London Dry Gin

Origin: Aarwangen

Alcohol content: 43%

The "Moustache London Dry Gin" is an intensely aromatic gin for connoisseurs. It is produced in Switzerland according to the highest quality standards. Full notes of juniper and spices with hints of ripe oranges and fresh limes creep into the senses as soon as you sniff them. Full-bodied, complex, with a slightly oily consistency and the juniper clearly in the foreground, it is also able to convince on the palate. Is the gin glass ready yet? Mustache Gin is made in Switzerland by «1616 Spirits by Langatun».

The Mustache is a classic gin tailored for classic gin lovers.

Tasting Notes:

Nose: Intense, juniper clearly in the foreground, citrus notes with orange peel, slightly floral and spicy with notes of acacia, elderberry, nutmeg and cloves

Gaumen: weich und leicht, Wacholder im Vordergrund, dezente Würze mit Kardamom, schwarzem Pfeffer, Nelken, Pinienkernen, Zedernholz und getrockneter Limette

Finish: medium length, rather dry, orange peel, subtle juniper and citrus notes


LVX Geneva Dry Gin

Origin: Geneva

Alcohol content: 42%

The excellence of its recipe is the result of a careful selection of plants and the harmonization of aromas. LVX Geneva Dry Gin is made from Swiss grain alcohol and nine high-quality botanicals from Switzerland and around the world and impresses with floral and spicy notes.

Tasting Notes:

Nose: bright and aromatic

Gaumen: Aromen von Engelwurzel, Wacholder und Holunderblüte, die diesem Gin seine ausgeprägte Süsse und ein rundes Mundgefühl verleihen

Finish: long and slightly peppery


Let's go

Herkunft: Winterthur

Alcohol content: 48%

The gin is characterized by a citrus note. In addition to lemon peel, it also contains orange peel. The secret of its unique taste is cinnamon.


Tasting Notes:

Nose: Intense spicy notes such as juniper and cloves meet citrus aromas of orange and lemon, notes of cinnamon are also recognizable

Palate: rather lean with nice intensity

Finish: long and ends on herbal notes


Cala Gin

Origin: Igis

Alcohol content: 42%

The Cala Gin combines the fruity taste of mild chilies with the classic juniper aroma. With its citrus note, CALA GIN is a fruity, refreshing drink for every occasion. Although many people associate chili almost exclusively with spiciness, the fruits of the chili plant also impress with their unique aromas, which ideally complement the botanicals contained in gin. Not spicy, but very tasty!


Tasting Notes:

Nose: fruity of quince, light citrus note, spicy

Gaumen: langer Abgang, mittlerer Körper, würzig, Zitrusnoten

Gesamteindruck: fruchtig nach Quitten, leicht Zitrus, klare Wacholdernoten, würzig, vielschichtiges Produkt


Breil Pur Old Tom

Herkunft: Brigels

Alcohol content: 41%

BREIL PUR Old Tom Gin Honey heisst unsere neue Sonderedition der Ursprungsvariante des Gins. Der erste rein biologische Old Tom Gin aus der Schweiz! Der traditionell etwas gesüsste und vor allem im England des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts beliebte Old Tom Gin ist englisches Kulturgut. BREIL PUR wagt eine Neuinterpretation. Für die obligatorische Süsse sorgt der auf 1‘654 Meter über Meer auf dem Hochplateau in Tenna (GR) geerntete Bio-Berg-Bienenhonig mit Goldenem Qualitätssiegel. Basis des Traditionsdestillates bildet die einzigartige Rezeptur des BREIL PUR London Dry Gins mit Alpenwacholder, Alpenrosen und Schokoladenminze.



Tasting Notes:

Nose: honey, lemon and cream, some juniper and angelica root

Palate: sweet and spicy

Finish: long and with a slight sharpness


Jurassic Gin

Origin: All

Alcohol content: 41%

In diesem Gin findet man eine Mischung aus dreizehn sorgfältig ausgewählten und perfekt aufeinander abgestimmten Botanicals wie Koriander, Hibiskus, Lindenblüte oder Mandarinenschale. Unter dieser Mischung findet man den Gingko Biloba, auch „lebendes Fossil“ genannt. Diese einzigartige Pflanze wurde noch nie zuvor in Brennereien verwendet, obwohl ihr Ursprung 40 Millionen Jahre vor den Dinosauriern liegt! Verkostet in einem Cocktail oder einfach mit Eiswürfeln bietet der Jurassic Gin eine exklusive Geschmacksreise durch die Zeit!


Gin 27 Dr Gin

Origin: Appenzell

Alcohol content: 43%

Complex and multifaceted. And for those who like it even more special and fruity: hand-picked pine shoots and elder give the GIN 27 Woodland its incomparable, sweet aroma. Distilled and bottled in Appenzell with care and dedication, according to our own recipe and using only the finest ingredients. Wonderful for excellent drinks.


Tasting Notes:

Nase: warme Gewürze wie Orange und Wacholder

Palate: soft with a hint of pepperiness



Herkunft: Fenin

Alcohol content: 41%

Gintiane is a nod to the region of origin: the Pays de Neuchâtel. Indeed, this London dry gin is enhanced with hints of gentian and cocoa roots, a homage to the Montagnards, who continue the uprooting of gentian roots by hand, and to Philippe Suchard, who was one of the pioneers of chocolate in the middle in Neuchâtel -1800s.


Tasting Notes:

Nose: notes of cocoa and citrus

Palate: gentian notes

Abgang: blumig, Rose und Violett treten gegeneinander an



Origin: Elfingen

Alcohol content: 41%

Gintiane is a nod to the region of origin: the Pays de Neuchâtel. Indeed, this London dry gin is enhanced with hints of gentian and cocoa roots, a homage to the Montagnards, who continue the uprooting of gentian roots by hand, and to Philippe Suchard, who was one of the pioneers of chocolate in the middle in Neuchâtel -1800s.


Tasting Notes:

Nose: notes of cocoa and citrus

Palate: gentian notes

Abgang: blumig, Rose und Violett treten gegeneinander an


Swiss Dry Gin

Herkunft: Schaffhausen

Alcohol content: 45%

The Swiss Dry Gin 82 was launched by the Falken brewery in 2015 and, despite its young age, has already enjoyed some success. It shows up with spicy, resinous and peppery notes as well as citrus fruits and flowers, while juniper clearly dominates. It is filled in a noble, square glass bottle with a simple design.


Tasting Notes:

Nose: intense juniper, spicy, resinous, peppery and green, citrus notes and a bouquet of floral aromas

Gaumen: Wacholder und Pfeffer, blumige Noten und eine dezente Süsse

Abgang: lang und mächtig, ehrlich und geradlinig


Wild Gin Z'Graggen

Herkunft: Lauerz

Alcohol content: 40%

The exquisite composition of this dry gin is refined with three well-known, edible Schwyz wild plants: sorrel, red clover and blackberry leaves. Grown in special places in the Schwyz basin, the leaves and blossoms are carefully picked by hand, dried and preserved. Distilled gently, this is how the unique Z'GRAGGEN Wild Gin is created.

Tasting Notes:

Nose: juniper note, thyme, forest honey and citrus nuances

Palate: mild, slightly verbal notes of hay, black pepper and verbena

Finish: velvety and long-lasting


Local Gin

Herkunft: Niederbüren

Alcohol content: 43%

Swiss Premium Dry Gin from the Säntisblick distillery in St. Gallen. The Local Gin is a fruity and sparkling gin. Aromas of fresh juniper, fruity facets of apple, lemon and orange peel. Blossoms such as elder or chamomile have also found their way into gin. It is gently rounded off with coriander and ginger.


Tasting Notes:

Nase: intensives Wacholderaroma,

erfrischende Zitrusnote

Palate: powerful herbal blend

Abgang: ausgeprägt würzig und lang anhaltend


Gin Bisbino Bio

Origin: Valle de Muggio

Alcohol content: 40%

Gin Bisbino is a Swiss gin made in an artisan way in the canton of Ticino. The recipe uses aromatic herbs and flowers grown with care and passion in the historic gardens of Sagno, at the foot of Mount Bisbino.

Its herbaceous taste and citrus aromas ensure a pleasant, fresh and delicate taste. Bisbino's philosophy and ideas are perfectly embodied in this distillate: natural, closely linked to the territory, certified organic and with a taste strongly influenced by the nature that surrounds it.


Tasting Notes:

Nase: frisch mit schöner Harmonie aus Wacholder und frischen Kräuternoten

Palate: sweetish-soft and also herbaceous

Finish: long and fresh with citrus and floral notes


Studer’s Swiss Highland

Origin: Escholzmatt

Alcohol content: 43%

Der Gin beinhaltet würzige, teilweise regional bezogene Botanicals wie Wacholder, Zitronengras, Lavendel, Ingwer, Koriander und Kubebenpfeffer, die allesamt einzeln destilliert werden. Erst zum Schluss entsteht daraus eine aromatische Mischung. Die Rezeptur geht übrigens bis auf das Jahr 1888 zurück, als Robert Studer die alles entscheidenden Notizen von seinen Wander- und Lehrjahren aus England mitbrachte. Insgesamt hat der Swiss Highland Dry Gin einen hohen Wiedererkennungswert und hebt sich schon allein durch seine Entstehungsgeschichte, das Herstellungsverfahren und die blickdichte Flasche von der Menge ab.


Tasting Notes:

Nose: Finely spicy and mild

Palate: Aroma of juniper, lavender, lemongrass, coriander, ginger and cubeb pepper

Finish: strong and long


La Roja London Dry Gin

Herkunft: Ogens

Alcohol content: 45%

This London Dry Gin is artisanally made from organic oats grown and triple distilled by Samuel Emery in Ogens in the canton of Vaud. This distinguishes it from traditional gin, which is made from redistilled industrial alcohol. The aromatic plants are carefully selected and 100% organic.


Tasting Notes:

Nose: tree bark, bitter lemon, pink grapefruit, plus subtle notes of liquorice, aniseed and coriander

Palate: Juniper (berries and leaves), sparkling lemon and licorice root

Finish: very intense and powerful



Herkunft: Kallnach

Alcohol content: 43%

The Ojo de Agua Gin is flavored with lemons from the Argentine province of Tucumán, mate tea, rosemary and lavender, among other things, which happens as a result of a one-day maceration and a triple distillation. The spirit is then further refined with a brandy made from the Malbec grape variety and a blackberry spirit - Dieter Meier sends these ingredients directly from his Ojo de Agua farm to Switzerland.


Tasting Notes:

Nose: orange peel, mate,

coriander and lavender

Gaumen: Zitronen und Wacholder,

peppery sharpness

Abgang: trocken mit den klassischen Noten von Wacholder, Koriander und Zitrus


6317 London Dry Gin

Origin: Zug

Alcohol content: 45%

Thomas Heiner stellt seit 2005 unter dem Namen «Heiner's Destillate» seine eigenen Obstbrände und den 6317 Gin her. Für diesen experimentierte er mit 63 Botanicals und durchlief 17 Destillationsversuche, bis der mehrfach auf der Destillata prämierte Brennmeister und ausgebildete Weintechnologe die perfekte Mischung gefunden hatte. Daher der Name 6317 - eine Hommage an die Entstehungsgeschichte des Wacholderbrands. Persönlich ausgewählte Früchte, Kräuter und Gewürze, von denen jedoch keine offiziell preisgegeben werden, statten den Gin mit betonten Zitrusfruchtnoten, leicht rauchigen Nuancen sowie würzig-kräuterigen Aromen aus.


Tasting Notes:

Nose: Pure orange marmalade, emphatically fruity, subtly spicy, somewhat smoky

Palate: Lemon nuances, fennel, citrus oil

Abgang: langanhaltend


7eins London Dry Gin

Herkunft: Winterthur

Alcohol content: 43%

Dieser leicht herbe und erfrischende Gin mit erlesenen Botanicals erinnert an die ländlich geprägte Region mit ihrem milden und sonnenreichen Klima. Zutaten wie Hopfen, Vanille, Tonkabohnen, Nelken und Zitronenthymian runden den Geschmack ab und lassen ein einzigartiges Schweizer Qualitätsprodukt entstehen. Der London Dry Gin wird in Kleinmengen destilliert und in Handarbeit abgefüllt.


Tasting Notes:

Nose: citrus note

Palate: berry taste

Finish: dry


IsiGin London Dry Gin

Origin: Hinwil

Alcohol content: 43%

Eigengewächs der Produziert und abgefüllt in der Säntisblick Destillerie Bruno Eschmann in Niederbüren. Ein schnörkelloser, fadengerader London Dry Gin mit einer dezenten Wacholder- und Fruchtnote, würzig und doch mild, vorallem auch im Abgang. Pur, on the rocks oder mit einem Tonic - ein schönes Drinkerlebnis! Wacholder, Koriander, Angelikawurzel, Pfeffer, Zitronenschale und drei geheime Zutaten!


Tasting Notes:

Nase: fruchtig

Gaumen: würzig und doch mild

Abgang: fadengerade


Time Out Gin Green Apple

Origin: Ebertswil

Alcohol content: 44%

The colorful bottle collection of the TimeOut Gin line is complemented by the striking green bottle, the TimeOut Gin Green Apple. The tart and juicy Green Apple originated in Australia. The wonderfully further selected complex aromas combine the Green Apple bouquet perfectly. The pleasantly sour and juicy finish on the palate gives the taste its unique character without dominating it. TimeOut Gin Green Apple is versatile and suitable for various cocktails, drinks or pure.

Tasting Notes:

Nose: juniper and green apple

Palate: juniper, fruit, apple

Abgang: angenehm lange


32 Peaks Liechtenstein Dry Gin

Herkunft: Schaan

Alcohol content: 43%

32PEAKS - Liechtenstein Dry Gin ist fast schon eine Liebeserklärung an Liechtenstein. Sein Name steht für die 32 Berggipfel in Liechtenstein, dass Etikett ist als 360°- Aufnahme rund um Vaduz gestaltet, die Elf verwendeten Botanicals stehen für unsere Gemeinden, alle Zutaten wachsen in Liechtenstein. In der Destillerie Steinauer aus Eschen wird der 32PEAKS-Gin produziert.

The ingredients for the Liechtenstein gin are handpicked and all come from Liechtenstein. In harmony with nature, a piece of the unique taste of 32PEAKS grows and matures every day. By adding valuable mountain spring water, all the flavor nuances of the individual botanicals can fully unfold.


Tasting Notes:

Nose: fine nuance of caramel, dark fruits

Palate: A touch of rosemary, laurel and stinging nettle in balance with angelica root and yellow gentian provide the necessary spice

Abgang: sehr lang mit einer süssen anhaltenden Note

gin knowledge

Did you know?

Gin kann aus so ziemlich allem hergestellt werden, was sich destillieren lässt. Per Definition ist Gin eine Spirituose mit Wacholdergeschmack, die durch Aromatisieren von trinkbarem Alkohol mit Wacholderbeeren gewonnen wird.

Der Name Gin ist eine verkürzte Form von ...

Genever – «Genever». . Der Begriff leitet sich von dem niederländischen Wort «jeneverbes» für Wacholder ab.

Who invented it? Surprisingly, not the English, but the Dutch. A Dutch doctor invented a juniper schnapps in the 17th century, which he called "Genever". English soldiers brought this liquor to the British Isles. There it was given the simpler name “gin”.

Die größten Gin-Liebhaber…

…leben auf den Philippinen! Dort ist der Gin-Konsum pro Person weltweit am größten. Wer hätte gedacht, dass die Philippinos da die Engländer übertreffen? 

Where does almost all juniper come from? Wild-picked – most juniper used in gin production grows wild

London Dry Gin is not always from London. In fact, the majority of London Dry Gins do not come from London at all, but from other cities. Unlike cognac, scotch or tequila, for example, gin has no legal geographical restrictions as far as production is concerned.

What does the designation London Dry Gin mean? Style of Production - London Dry Gin is not a specific brand or denomination of origin, but a category with specific rules for distillation and ingredients. So a kind of purity law.

Wie lautet der Begriff für die typischen Inhaltsstoffe, die jeden Gin einzigartig machen?

Botanicals – alle Aromen, die Gin beigefügt werden, um sein jeweils individuelles Aroma herzustellen, werden als Botanicals bezeichnet. Hierzu werden beispielsweise Beeren, Rinden, Samen, Früchte, Fruchtschalen, Gewürze, Kräuter und Wurzeln verwendet.

Gin and tonic used to be used as a medicine. Against what did he help? Malaria - Tonic is quinine water and quinine was the only cure for malaria for centuries. However, since quinine is very bitter, people started mixing it - that's how the tonic found its way into the gin. The daily gin and tonic thus became a “gratifying duty” against malaria.
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