Gin 2020

Gin Advent Calendar Edition 2020

24 Gins mit einer Vielfalt aus verschiedenen Ländern.

Your calendar contains 24 bottles with 20ml content. Further down on this page you will find information about the 24 different gins that you can taste during the Advent season.

gin knowledge

Did you know?

Gin kann aus so ziemlich allem hergestellt werden, was sich destillieren lässt. Per Definition ist Gin eine Spirituose mit Wacholdergeschmack, die durch Aromatisieren von trinkbarem Alkohol mit Wacholderbeeren gewonnen wird.

Der Name Gin ist eine verkürzte Form von ...

Genever – «Genever». . Der Begriff leitet sich von dem niederländischen Wort «jeneverbes» für Wacholder ab.

Who invented it? Surprisingly, not the English, but the Dutch. A Dutch doctor invented a juniper schnapps in the 17th century, which he called "Genever". English soldiers brought this liquor to the British Isles. There it was given the simpler name “gin”.

Die größten Gin-Liebhaber…

…leben auf den Philippinen! Dort ist der Gin-Konsum pro Person weltweit am größten. Wer hätte gedacht, dass die Philippinos da die Engländer übertreffen? 

Where does almost all juniper come from? Wild-picked – most juniper used in gin production grows wild

London Dry Gin is not always from London. In fact, the majority of London Dry Gins do not come from London at all, but from other cities. Unlike cognac, scotch or tequila, for example, gin has no legal geographical restrictions as far as production is concerned.

What does the designation London Dry Gin mean? Style of Production - London Dry Gin is not a specific brand or denomination of origin, but a category with specific rules for distillation and ingredients. So a kind of purity law.

Wie lautet der Begriff für die typischen Inhaltsstoffe, die jeden Gin einzigartig machen?

Botanicals – alle Aromen, die Gin beigefügt werden, um sein jeweils individuelles Aroma herzustellen, werden als Botanicals bezeichnet. Hierzu werden beispielsweise Beeren, Rinden, Samen, Früchte, Fruchtschalen, Gewürze, Kräuter und Wurzeln verwendet.

Gin and tonic used to be used as a medicine. Against what did he help? Malaria - Tonic is quinine water and quinine was the only cure for malaria for centuries. However, since quinine is very bitter, people started mixing it - that's how the tonic found its way into the gin. The daily gin and tonic thus became a “gratifying duty” against malaria.

Your 24 gin bottles from Edition 2020 contain...


Mile High 69 Lovely Handcrafted Dry Gin

Herkunft: Deutschland

Alcohol content: 42%

Perfect Serve: On the Rocks, Longdrink

A fine dry gin, masterfully handcrafted, unfiltered and distilled from 19 selected botanicals such as kumquats, pine tips, elderflower and sweet almonds in a complex batch production. From the first to the last step it is exactly 69. The multiple award-winning Mile High 69 Lovely Dry Gin is a fine, filigree and elegantly structured gin. Its aroma and taste are unique, the fruity notes paired perfectly with the spiciness of the juniper. The early vine blossoms of the Müller-Thurgau give the gin its uniqueness. Wonderful as a gin and tonic.


Matte Dry Gin

Herkunft: Schweiz

Alcohol content: 42%

Perfect Serve: Mixed Drink, Aperitif, Longdrink

Handmade, handpicked, sustainable and with local ingredients. These are the demands of the manufacturers of the gin from the Matte distillery in Bern. The multiple award-winning gin from Matte impresses with its clear and directly spicy nature. Eleven botanicals, including Kobeben pepper, grains of paradise and ginger, which give it a fresh and spicy aroma, are almost always clearly recognizable and result in an intense but beautifully rounded taste profile. Traditionally made from the best grain distillate.



Nordés Atlantic Galician Gin

Origin: Spain

Alcohol content: 40%

Perfect Serve: Neat, Mixed Drink, Aperitif, On the Rocks

Thanks to Gin Nordés, the whole world will soon know exactly where Galicia is located. The region in the extreme northwest of Spain has been autonomous since 1981 and, in addition to Spanish, has its own language, Gallego. The company belongs to the Osborne Group, which has the famous Spanish bull as its trademark and is dedicated to the wine trade. So it comes as no surprise that the base alcohol for this gin is distilled from the grape must of the Albariño white wine variety, four times. Before the fifth firing starts, the twelve botanicals are added. Six of them are from the region; the others come from all over the world. Juniper, eucalyptus, hibiscus, black tea, lemon verbena, liquorice, ginger, cardamom, peppermint, bay leaves, quinine and salicorn/samphire are responsible for the sparkling, floral and spicy taste of Nordés gin.


Silent Pool London Dry Gin

Herkunft: England

Alcohol content: 43%

Perfect Serve: Neat, Mixed Drink, Aperitif

Die Silent Pool Distillery wurde von einer Gruppe von Freunden auf dem Grundbesitz des Grafen von Albury in Surrey, direkt neben einem mysteriösen See, der von einer Quelle gespeist wird. Dieser "Stille See" verleihte der Brennerei den Namen und dem Silent Pool Gin das klare, saubere Wasser, welches für das Einstellen des Alkoholgehaltes auf 43% genutzt wird. Bei Silent Pool wird traditionelles Handwerk mit moderster Forschung und Technik kombiniert. So wird der Gin durch einen vierstufigen Prozess hergestellt, in dem eine mit Holzfeuer betriebene Holstein-Kupferbrennblase als auch eine mehrkammerige Fraktionssäule die Hauptrolle spielen. 24 Botanicals, wie Linden-, Rosen- und Holunderblüten, zwei verschieden Wacholderarten, Kubebpfeffer, Süssholzwurzel und vielen mehr, geben ihre typischen Aromen, die von den Master Distillern genauestens bis in die molekulare Ebene untersucht worden sind, in diesem vierstufigen Brenn-, Infusions- und Mazerierungsvorgang an den Silent Pool Gin ab.


Bisbino Organic Wild Ticino Gin

Herkunft: Schweiz

Alcohol content: 40%

Perfect Serve: Mixed Drink, Aperitif

Bisbino, the first Ticino gin comes from the Muggio Valley. In addition to the excellent wines, the Mendrisiotto can now look forward to a new product that has been available since September 2016: the first Ticino gin was born in Sagno in the Valle di Muggio. The initiators of the new spirit were the four people from Ticino, Martino Mombelli, who came up with the recipe and is the founder of the organic agricultural brand Terra Matta, as well as his friends Giona Meyer, Rupen Nacaroglu and Damiano Merzari. As a tribute to their homeland, with which they are all very connected, the new creation was christened "Bisbino", like the mountain above Sagno, from where some of the ingredients come from, such as verbena, lemon balm, elderberry. Juniper is growing and will be ready in 2 years. It is made in the renowned Jelmini distillery in Mendrisio. The result is a 100% ORGANIC product, which the Ticino gastronomy has already happily accepted. In the Bisbino there are seven botanicals from the sunny town of Sagno in the Valle di Muggio. Fine juniper and citrus fruits on the nose. In terms of taste, citrus and herbs prevail.


Mirabeau Rosé Gin

Origin: France

Alcohol content: 43%

Perfect Serve: Mixed Drink, Neat

Basically, Mirabeau Rosé Gin is a classic London (Dry) Gin. And yet everything is a little different here. The Mirabeau Rosé Gin owes its soft and delicately fruity palate to the 100% grape alcohol that is used as the base alcohol. The addition of a little Mirabeau Rosé underlines its elegant fullness and structure. Lemons and coriander give it the fine citrus freshness, orris roots and angelica slightly floral and earthy notes, underlined with the floral hints of the only sparingly added blossoms of roses, jasmine and lavender. Bay leaves, thyme and rosemary complete the range of aromas with typical Provençal herbal notes.



Elephant Sloe Gin

Herkunft: Deutschland

Alcohol content: 35%

Perfect Serve: Neat, Mixed Drink

Neben den 14 Botanicals afrikanischer, europäischer und globaler Herkunft – wovon drei streng geheim gehalten werden – trägt dieser Sloe Gin zusätzlich den Saft der Schlehdorn-Frucht, einer pflaumenähnlichen Steinobstart, diese dem Getränk die kräftige, rubinrote Farbe verleiht. Der Elephant German Sloe Gin hauptsächlich von Afrika inspiriert. Immerhin kam den Betreibern die zündende Idee, selbst Gin herstellen zu wollen, bei der Verkostung eines klassischen Gin & Tonics auf ihrer Reise durch die afrikanische Wildnis. Nicht nur ziehen sie für die Mazeration mehrere Zutaten aus Südafrika und Malawi heran, sondern entwarfen auch das Flaschenetikett im Stil einer alten, von europäischen Kolonisten verwendeten Briefmarke. Die kalligrafische Beschriftung einer jeden Flasche, der Korken und die zugehörige Kordel sind weitere Merkmale eines typisches Elephant Gins. 15% des Verkaufsgewinns spenden die Afrikaliebhaber an die Stiftungen "Big Life Foundation" und "Space for Elephants Foundation" für den Erhalt des gefährdeten Bestands der sanften, grauen Riesen. Trocken-fruchtiges Schlehenaroma, gefolgt von einem kräftigen Lebkuchenaroma.


Matter Blau Gin 

Herkunft: Schweiz

Alcohol content: 43%

Perfect Serve: Aperitif

Where tradition and craftsmanship unite - a collaboration between the Brienz Rothorn Bahn and Matter-Spirits. From exquisite ingredients, distilled several times in the pot still process, fully ripe blueberries round off this unique gin. «BLUE stands for the longing for infinite space. BLUE reflects the unlimited freedom that opens up from the Brienzer Rothorn. The trip into the blue. When enjoying Gin BLAU, the fresh alpine bouquet with alpine notes is within reach. Gin BLAU is a homage to BRB's unique blue B17 carriage.»



Antonio Cuco Sharish Blue Magic Gin

Origin: Portugal

Alcohol content: 40%

Perfect Serve: Mixed Drink, Aperitif, On the Rocks

A new Portuguese gin produced by António Cuco in Alentejo. It got its name after the village of Monsaraz, one of the most beautiful places in Portugal. For the production, António Cuco uses local apples, lemon peel, orange peel and lemon verbena, as well as Macedonian juniper, coriander, cloves, cinnamon and Bourbon vanilla. The botanicals are individually cold macerated in an alcoholic base composed of 50% molasses, 35% wheat and 15% rice. Some of the ingredients macerate for "only" 30 days, but others macerate for up to nine months. From these macerates, individual distillates are created, which are then combined to form a blend. The blend then only gets the vanilla and cinnamon added via infusion. But the Blue Magic Gin is not called that for nothing: thanks to a natural flower extract from the blue Cilitonia, the blue color changes to a light, cloudy pink as soon as the gin comes into contact with tonic water.


Brockmans Premium Gin Intensely Smooth

Herkunft: England

Alcohol content: 40%

Perfect Serve: Mixed Drink, Neat

Brockmans Gin ist eine Kreation von Davis, Bob, Neil und Matthew, deren Ziel es war, eine neuartige Spirituose zu kreieren. Nachdem die Gruppe von Freunden hunderte von alten Rezepten analysiert und ausprobiert hatte, entschied man sich für eine Mischung von elf Botanicals, um den Original Brockmans Gin zu kreieren. Unter klassischen Zutaten wie Engelwurz, Orangenschalen und Koriandersamen finden sich auch Blau- und Brombeeren in der Liste, die eigentlich so gar nicht in das Spiel aus Gewürzen und Kräutern hineinpassen. Nach der Mazeration in neutralem Getreidealkohol und dem Brennen in einer mehr als 100 Jahre alten Kupferbrennblase entsteht jedoch ein Gin, in dem sich Wacholder und Zitrus perfekt mit den dunklen Beeren vermählen. Sanft und geschmeidig im Gaumen. Italienische Wacholderbeeren bringen Aromen wie Kieferholz, Lavendel und Kampfer. Spanische Zitronen und Orangenschale fügen eine pikante Zitrusnote hinzu. Aber der einzigartige, unverkennbare Geschmack von Brockmans Gin stammt von den wilden Heidelbeeren und Brombeeren.


The Alpinist Swiss Premium Dry Gin

Herkunft: Schweiz

Alcohol content: 42%

Perfect Serve: Neat, Mixed Drink

The Alpinist is a fresh, aromatic, spicy gin that, in addition to the typical note of juniper, bewitches the senses with citrus aromas and the typical alpine herbs arnica, lady's mantle and thistle. The taste is spicy and warm, with a subtle sweetness and pepperiness, as well as the invigorating juniper aroma in the background. In the aftertaste elegant, powerful and long-lasting. The Alpinist Premium Dry Gin is a gin that is distilled in a small distillery at the foot of the Alps. Glacier water from the Aletsch Glacier, which lies between the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau, is used in "The Alpinist Gin".



Skin Gin Tea Kiss

Herkunft: Deutschland

Alcohol content: 42%

Perfect Serve: Mixed Drink, Longdrink

The particularly fresh and mild taste of Skin Gin is based on the selection of seven handpicked botanicals, which are distilled in a copper still using traditional methods in the Altes Land - one of the largest fruit-growing areas just outside Hamburg. In addition to classic juniper, Moroccan mint plays the leading role in Skin Gin. In combination with citrus fruit peels from oranges and pink grapefruits from Spain, limes and lemons from Italy and coriander from Vietnam, the result is an unmistakably fresh and at the same time mild taste.


Red Door Handcrafted Highland Gin

Origin: Scotland

Alcohol content: 45%

Perfect Serve: Mixed Drink, Neat

Although the Benromach Distillery is not located directly in the Spey Valley, it is one of the Speyside distilleries. With the addition "Highland" one would like to point out that the gin is shaped by the Scottish wilderness - the forests, mountains, open land areas and coastal regions. The botanicals used include heather, juniper berries, coriander seeds, sea buckthorn, rowan berries, lemon and bitter orange peel, and angelica. The locally inspired gin is distilled in a copper still called "Peggy" hidden behind the building's photogenic facade of snow-white walls and red doors. Benromach's signature red doors also gave the gin its 'Red Door' name. The aromas of the botanicals are infused into the spirit by steam infusion, which rises in the neck of the still. In terms of taste, the gin delivers the expected juniper and citrus notes and adds floral, earthy, grassy and berry aromas to them.


Citadel Gin de France

Origin: France

Alcohol content: 44%

Perfect Serve: Neat, Aperitif

Bei "Citadelle" handelt es sich um die älteste in Frankreich eingetragene Gin-Destillerie, welche die Basis für die französische Gin-Industrie legte. Sie befindet sich in der Hafenstadt Dünkirchen, welche im 18. Jahrhundert ein Anlaufpunkt für die mit Gewürzen und Kräutern beladenen Schiffe aus dem fernen Osten war. Der gleichnamige Gin folgt ein Originalrezept aus dem Jahre 1771, welches sich aus 19 Kräutern zusammensetzt. In den 1980iger Jahren wollte Alexandre Gabriel, der Gründer der Maison Ferrand in Cognac, seine Brennblasen in der Ruhezeit weiterbenutzen. Somit wurde der Citadelle Gin ins Leben gerufen. Die Nutzung der Cognac-Brennblasen verleiht dem Gin nach der Infusion des Weizendestillats mit den Botanicals eine charakteristische Note. Blumig in der Nase nach Jasmin und etwas Zimt. Im Geschmack würzig und herb nach Koriander, Anis, Muskatnuss, Fenchel und Mandeln. Zudem leichtes Zitronenaroma.


Tagged Sir Dry Gin

Herkunft: Schweiz

Alcohol content: 42%

Perfect Serve: Neat, Aperitif

Like every real and high-quality dry gin, this 100% Swiss-made dry gin is distilled several times - without the addition of coloring agents or sugar. The recipe of the Swiss Dry Gin, created with 19 organic botanicals, some of which are very local, is secret, its taste is unique, with juniper and citrus aromas, delicate acidity and refined spiciness. Macardo's Sir Dry Gin presents itself in the glass with a sparkling, crystal-clear robe and a slight blue tinge. Fruity and elegant in the mouth, pleasantly harmonious. In the background some mint, anise, coconut lime peel, black tea and hay. Full-bodied, multi-faceted and pleasantly dry.



Professor's Crocodile Gin

Herkunft: Italien

Alcohol content: 45%

Perfect Serve: Mixed Drink, On the Rocks

"Del Professore" ist der Markenname für die Wermutgetränke und Gins der Brennerei Antica Distilleria Quaglia aus der italienischen Region Piemont. Das 1890 gegründete Familienunternehmen stellt in der mittlerweile vierten Generation Grappas, Liköre, Wermut und sonstige Spirituosen her. "Crocodile" ist der neueste Zuwachs der Professore-Familie – was Jerry Thomas mit einem Krokodil zu tun hatte, das bleibt wohl ganz der Fantasie überlassen. Zu den Botanicals, die nicht der strengen Geheimhaltung unterliegen, zählen Wacholder, in Traubenmost infusionierte Zitrusfrüchte, Koriander, Holunderblüten, Vanille und Piment (Nelkenpfeffer). Starker Duft nach Wacholder und Zitrus mit Nuancen von Koriander, Holunderblüte und Piment. Im Mund kommen Vanille und exotische Gewürze hinzu.


Ableforth's Bathtub Gin

Herkunft: England

Alcohol content: 43%

Perfect Serve: Neat, Mixed Drink, Aperitif, On the Rocks

Produced by traditional cold filtration and firing of copper pot stills. In addition to juniper, orange peel, coriander, cloves and cardamom serve as botanicals. The result is an exceptional gin with a fine aroma that still looks bold. The special design - in brown paper with string and wax - goes back to the time when gin was produced very cheaply and sometimes made under the worst, also hygienic, conditions at home in hiding. In order to generate quantity, one looked for the largest vessel one has in the house...that was often the bathtub. Here you put the alcohol in and mixed it with a few botanicals, which you let steep for a few hours, and the gin was ready. Since he had both paint and leftovers of the botanicals, the bottles were wrapped in packing paper and the cones were sealed with wax so that they could not be opened upon purchase. Flowery light fragrance. Juniper, cardamom, orange zest and cinnamon stand out clearly on the palate.


Brick Straight Dry Gin Bio

Herkunft: Deutschland

Alcohol content: 40%

Perfect Serve: Neat, Mixed Drink, Aperitif, On the Rocks

Benjamin Trommler and Sascha Hagemann present their alcoholic product as "Straight Organic Distilled Dry Gin". With the Brick Gin you want to concentrate on the essentials, which is why only three botanicals make up the aroma: juniper, lemon and cubeb pepper. The latter colors the distillate slightly and gives it a certain sharpness. The cubeb pepper is also the only one that is not distilled, but macerated. In any case, the ingredients are certified organic. The Brick Gin is not intended to be a trend product, but to assert itself in the long term as an economical "pouring gin" in the bar scene. When it comes to quality, you want to shine and convince even the most demanding consumers. Where exactly the gin is ultimately made is apparently subject to trade secrets. However, it is reasonable to assume that everything is taking place in Thuringia, Germany, where Brick GmbH is headquartered.


Ginuine Alpine Herbs

Herkunft: Schweiz

Alcohol content: 40%

Perfect Serve: Neat, Mixed Drink

Hergestellt wird dieser Gin in aufwendiger Handarbeit aus ausgesuchten Alpenkräutern hergestellt und in alten Kupferbrennblasen destilliert. Das Rezept für den Ginuine Gin Alpine Herbs wurde von der Firma Lateltin in Zusammenarbeit mit Master-Distillerin und DistiSuisse-Jurorin Judith Brunschwiler entwickelt, um einen heraustehenden, echten Schweizer Gin zu destillieren. Der Name leitet sich vom englischen Wort "genuine" (wahr, echt, authentisch ab). In der Nase riecht der Ginuine Alpine Herbs angenehm nach Wacholderbeeren. Erst der Gaumen wird durch den geheimen Schweizer Alpenkräutermix ausgewogen und exquisit. Diese feinen Aromen bleiben auch nach dem Abgang lange erhalten und sorgen für ein beeindruckendes nachhaltiges Geschmackserlebnis.



Chase D. Pink Grapefruit & Pomelo Gin

Herkunft: England

Alcohol content: 40%

Perfect Serve: Aperitif

Chase is a family-run farmer's distillery. Care is taken to ensure that any leftovers that arise during production are processed further and do not end up in the trash. The basis of all Chase products is the potato. Powerful aromas of savory pink grapefruit on the nose combined with subtle notes of juniper and citrus. The impressions intensify on the palate until the strong finale.


Wunderburg Dry Gin

Herkunft: Deutschland

Alcohol content: 48%

Perfect Serve: Neat, Mixed Drink

Costoluto Wunderburg Dry Gin is one of the gins that uses licorice. After liquorice was increasingly replaced by sugar cane and sugar beets over the course of the last millennium, this old tradition was revived in Bamberg. Instead of using it as a sweetener like in the past, gin is now distilled from these roots. The Wunderburg Dry Gin is distilled in the classic way, whereby 14 other botanicals are used in addition to the liquorice, which has been forgotten everywhere else. Look forward to a fabulously liquorice gin, which should ideally be enjoyed with a stick of liquorice in the glass.



Nikka Coffee Gin

Origin: Japan

Alcohol content: 47%

Perfect Serve: Neat, Mixed Drink, Aperitif, On the Rocks

The Nikka Coffey Gin is based on corn and barley distillates and owes its name to the distillation in the rare Coffey Stills, which Masataka Taketsuru had imported from Scotland for the first time in 1963. So that the gin ultimately becomes gin, juniper, angelica root, apple juice, coriander, Japanese sansho pepper and a whole range of citrus fruits (yuzu, kabosu, amanatsu, hirami and commercially available lemons and oranges) are added. The resulting bitter citrus fruitiness of the Coffey Gin does not make it an all-rounder in the bar landscape, but it makes it an absolute attraction. In terms of taste, there are many facets of sour citrus fruits and a hint of apples. Extremely long finish with some peppercorn.


Edelwhite Gin

Herkunft: Schweiz

Alcohol content: 42%

Perfect Serve: Neat, Mixed Drink

Aus 27 Botanicals (Zutaten) wird der Edelwhite Gin kreiert. 14 davon stammen aus Feldern, Wiesen, Mooren und Bergen der Region Entlebuch. Was wir nicht selbst suchen und pflanzen können, kaufen wir bei der «Genossenschaft Entlebucher Kräuter» ein, die Organisation garantiert die Regionalität und lokale Bauernhöfe können so ein Nebeneinkommen erwirtschaften. Auch die weiteren 13 Botanicals sind von höchster Qualität und organischen Ursprungs. Unser Ziel ist es, die Herkunft aller Pflanzen zurückverfolgen zu können. Zarter Wacholder in der Nase, gefolgt von frischen Zitrusnoten und leichten Blumennuancen. Am Gaumen vibrierende Zitrusfrüchte, raffiniert mit Pinien, delikaten Kräutern und Blüten, gefolgt von kräftiger Würzigkeit und einige grasig-frische Zwischentöne. Mittellanger Abgang mit nachhaltig imposanter, pfeffriger Ingwernote.



Gin Barista

Herkunft: Deutschland

Alcohol content: 47%

Perfect Serve: Mixed Drink

Der Barista Gin mit einer leichten Kaffeenote setzt einen neuen Trend und präsentiert einen völlig neuen Hochgenuss. Ein Coffee-Gin darf nicht nach Kaffee riechen. Somit wurde Hubertus Vallendar vor keine leichte Aufgabe gestellt. Aber es ist ihm perfekt gelungen, den "Peru Highland" Kaffee von der Hanseatic Coffee Company dezent und sehr wohltuend in das Destillat einzubinden. Erst im Abgang an der Zunge hinten kommt eine äußerst schmackhafte natürliche und dezente Kaffee-Note zum Vorschein. Zitrusnoten von Grapefruit, Orange und Zitronenmyrte tragen das Kaffee-Aroma. Weitere Blüten und Wurzeln, sowie Haselnuss und Zimtrinde machen ihn weich und vollmundig.


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