Whisky 2020

Whisky Adventskalender
Edition 2020

24 whiskeys with a variety from different countries.

Your calendar contains 24 bottles with 20ml content. Further down on this page you will find information about the 24 different whiskeys that you can taste during the Advent season.

Whisky Wissen

Did you know?

Scotland or Ireland?

To this day it is still being debated. The Irish claim that the Irish patron Saint Patrick, who Christianized the island, brought the art of distilling to the island from the Mediterranean countries.

Somit wäre der erste Whisky auf Irland destilliert und wohl auch konsumiert worden. Die Schotten halten mit einer Urkunde aus dem Jahr 1494 dagegen, auf der ein Verkauf von Gerste zur Whisky-Produktion verbrieft wurde. Ausserdem wurde Saint Patrick im römischen Britannien geboren, vermutlich auf heute schottischem Gebiet. Trotzdem scheint die Geschichtsforschung mittlerweile mehrheitlich der irischen Mönchstheorie recht zu geben.

Das Wort Whisky...

leitet sich vom gälischen "uisge beatha" und vom irischen "uisce beatha" ab und bedeutet «Wasser des Lebens». Die Engländer anglisierten dann das gälische Wort zu dem heute gebräuchlichen «Whisky», wobei man darunter nicht nur Whisky im heutigen Sinne verstand, sondern auch andere Brände. Aquavit also. Wasser des Lebens.

Barley... is where the traditional malt whiskey is made in Scotland. The Americans do it differently: They use a high proportion of corn. This is why American bourbon tastes much sweeter than the distillates from Scotland and Ireland.

Ohne Eis...

trinken Whisky-Kenner ihr Destillat. Eis verwässert das Getränk nicht nur unkontrolliert, wenn es schmilzt - durch die kalte Temperatur kommen die Aromen des Whiskys auch nicht mehr richtig zur Geltung. Wem sein Whisky zu stark ist, der verdünnt ihn mit reinem Quellwasser - tropfenweise, bis die richtige Trinkstärke erreicht ist.

Ein 100-jähriger Whisky...

wäre bedenkenlos zu trinken. Ungeöffnete Destillate verderben nicht. Sie werden nicht zu Essig wie Bier oder Wein. Somit ist der Inhalt einer ungeöffneten Flasche Whisky stets geniessbar

whiskey or whiskey? Both! It depends on the origin. The term whiskey is often used for Scottish whiskey while whiskey is used for distillates from other countries such as Ireland or the USA. In recent years, however, there have been increasing numbers of whiskeys from other countries that use the spelling “whisky” to emphasize their closeness to Scotch (e.g. whiskeys from Japan or Taiwan).

The right glass. So-called "nosing glasses" are sold at whiskey fairs and in specialist shops: bulbous glasses that taper towards the top edge. In the bulbous part, the whiskey aromas can develop well before they are concentrated again through the tapering glass as it rises.

Proof. The alcohol content of whiskey is not found on older bottles, or not only in % but in the proof unit. 70 British proofs correspond to an alcohol content of 40%. 100 British Proof corresponds to the alcohol content at which gunpowder soaked in whiskey burns blue.

angel and whiskey Whiskey aged in casks will evaporate over time. Okay, not very fast. 2 percent annually, roughly. This is known as angel's share.

Ihre 24 Whisky Fläschchen enthalten...


Benromach Single Malt Peat Smoke 2009

Origin: Scotland

Alcohol content: 46%

Der Benromach Peat Smoke reifte vollständig in First Fill Bourbon Fässern. Für diesen Single Malt Whisky wurde per Torfrauch getrocknetes Getreide verwendet. In der Nase süss, Medizinische Noten, eine delikate florale Note ist ebenfalls präsent. Am Gaumen rauchig, Hinweise auf Teeröl und Birkenholz. Eine süsse, sirupartige Kaffeenote folgt. Ein reiches Aroma von heissen Früchten sorgt für Balance. Finish: Rauchig mit süssen malzigen Noten.


Kilchoman Single Malt Sanaig

Origin: Scotland

Alcohol content: 46%

Aged in Oloroso Sherry Hogshead and Bourbon casks with a higher proportion of Sherry casks. Elegant smoky whiskey with versatile fruit aromas from the small farm distillery in western Islay. Named for the narrow, rocky inlet northwest of the distillery. Best Single Malt Scotch Whiskey - Non-age Statement at the IWSC 2016. Fine smoke on the nose with preserved fruits and caramel as well as vanilla. Slightly sweet toffee, peat smoke and citrus notes on the palate. Medium-length smoky-fruity finish.


Paul John Edited

Origin: India

Alcohol content: 46%

The Paul John Edited comes from the distillery of the same name in Goa in southern India. The barley for the single malt comes from the foot of the Himalayas and yet whiskey is produced here based on the Scottish model. The Paul John Edited is stored in ex-bourbon casks. Furthermore, peated malt is used for the production of the single malt. The aroma shows a slight smokiness, but also the typical vanilla and caramel tones in connection with light fruit. The taste is mouth-filling and intense. Again barley, smoke and mint chocolate. Sweet flavors and mocha can also be found. The finish is spicy, oily and persistent. Equally balanced with vanilla and tannins.


Macardo Single Malt

Herkunft: Schweiz

Alcohol content: 42%

Single Malt Whisky stammen stets aus einer bestimmten Brennerei (single = einzeln) und darf ausschliesslich aus Gerstenmalz (Malt) hergestellt werden. Besonderheiten seiner Hestellung sind reines Thurgauer Quellwasser aus den kalkhaltigen Böden von Strohwilen, viel Handarbeit und traditionelle Verfahren inklusive «Small Batch Destillation» in der mit einem Holzfeuer erhitzten Destille. Wie jeder Single Malt Whisky verdankt auch der Schweizer Single Malt Whisky von Macardo seinen unnachahmlichen Geschmack dem aufwendigen Finishing in Fässern, in denen zuvor Sherry oder Portwein, Rum, Bordeaux, Madeira, Cognac oder Weisswein, aber auch edler Whiskeys gelagert wurden.

Link: https://www.macardo.ch/


Ledaig Single Malt Gordon & Macphail Discovery 12 yrs

Origin: Scotland

Alcohol content: 43%

Tolle Kombi aus würzigem Lagerfeuerrauch, karamellisiertem Schinken und süßen roten Früchten. Der Ledaig schöpft aus den Vollen! Das Aroma ist rauchig mit Noten von geräuchertem Ahornholz, Toffee und Bratäpfeln. Im Hintergrund maritime Noten von Seegras und Meersalz. Geschmack: Geschmorte Früchte, Sultaninen und Johannisbeeren mit Milchschokolade. Süße Noten von Crème Brûlée, Toffee und Zitrusfrüchten. Im Abgang Lang mit Noten von Eiche und Zitrus. Fasstyp: Bourbon- und Sherryfässer.


Buffalo Trace Kentucky Straight Bourbon

Herkunft: USA

Alcohol content: 40%

Double gold at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2016. Has been in Kentucky since 1999. The name comes from an old buffalo trail. Steam is pumped throughout the halls of Bufallo Trace Distillery during the extreme cold of winter, compensating for the dramatic drop in temperature and giving the whiskey extra cycles in and out of the wood. This makes for a more balanced bourbon as the liquid is able to absorb additional gains from the natural sugar content in the charred barrels. The distillery was the first to use this method of aging in 1859 and has been using it ever since. On the palate caramel and vanilla, toasted oak, roasted coffee, dried grapes with some cinnamon. Complex and spicy. Stored for at least eight to twelve years. Only small quantities are produced as everything is handmade.


Hazelburn Single Malt Whisky

Origin: Scotland

Alcohol content: 46%

Springbank is Scotland's oldest independent distillery still in family hands. The Hazelburn Single Malt - an unpeated whiskey, runs three times over copper and column stills. Normally many whiskeys lose flavor as the flavor molecules bind to the copper of the stills like the fusel does, but in the case of Hazelburns the triple firing has no negative effect on the whisky. After storage in ex-bourbon casks, the Hazelburn is bottled at the distillery and then makes its way to the stores. Fruity and sweet, both in the nose and in the taste. This whiskey brings a lot of pear, vanilla and toffee into the glass. Long, aromatic finish.


Adelphi Blended Scotch Whisky

Origin: Scotland

Alcohol content: 40%

A smooth all-rounder with sherry cask depth. If you tasted it blindly, you wouldn't bet on a Blended Scotch Whisky. More than 50% single malt combined with grain whiskey, matured in oak barrels for at least three years. In the nose a fine maritime and smoky breeze reminiscent of Islay whiskeys. Soft, friendly and wonderfully balanced on the palate. This Adelphi blend is a serious, competent and versatile whiskey that is a lot of fun!


Locher Säntis Malt Edition Trinity

Herkunft: Schweiz

Alkoholgehalt: 52%

Until 1999, it was forbidden in Switzerland to make high-proof drinks from grain or potatoes. The relevant law was repealed on July 1, 1999. In the same year, the Locher brewery started producing the so-called Appenzeller Säntis Malt and brought it to market in 2002. Robust grain from Swiss mountain areas and spring water from the Alpstein are used for production. The whiskey is stored in oak beer barrels and has already received a number of awards. Award European Whiskey of the Year 2010 with 96.5 points (out of 100) in Jim Murray's Whiskey Bible. The name Dreifaltigkeit comes from the three imposing rock peaks of the same name in the Alpstein massif between the Bogartenfirst and the Widderalpstöck. Woody and earthy notes with a smoky undertone, followed by sweet caramel molasses.

Link: https://www.saentismalt.com/


Port Charlotte Islay Barley Single Malt

Origin: Scotland

Alkoholgehalt: 50%

Die Gerste für den Port Charlotte Islay Barley 2011 stammt zu 100% von der Insel, genauer gesagt von drei verschiedenen Landwirtschaftsbetrieben, und wurde schnellstmöglich nach der Ernte destilliert - das war im Jahr 2011. Die Reifung erfolgte dann bis zum Jahr 2017 zu 75% in erstbefüllten American Whiskey-Fässern sowie zu 25% in zweitbefüllten Weinfässern. Neben trockenem Rauch lassen sich beim Tasting dieses regional stark verwurzelten Whiskys deutliche Noten von gesalzenem Karamell und Apfelmus ausmachen. Insgesamt zeigt sich das Geschmacksprofil sehr divers, mit floralen, eichigen, fruchtigen, zitrusfrischen, maritimen, malzigen, vanilligen - und natürlich rauchigen - Nuancen.


Kilchoman Single Malt Machir Bay

Origin: Scotland

Alcohol content: 46%

A smoky all-rounder of the highest quality from the small family-owned Islay farm distillery. Named after one of the most beautiful beaches on Islay: Machir Bay, which is just past the distillery. The smoke develops from the palate, accompanied by the vanilla notes typical of aging in bourbon casks and multiple subtle fruit flavors. The rich finish completes the impression of a malty Islay quality whiskey.


Puni The Italian Malt Whiskey Dawn

Herkunft: Italien

Alcohol content: 43%

Die 3 Jährige Reife in Handverlesenen Masala Fässern aus Sizilien gepaart mit ausgewählten Islay-Fässern verleiht Alba ein reiches Aroma von Roten Früchten, etwas Torf und feinen Gewürzen. Alba ist das italienische Wort für Sonnenaufgang, aber auch die gälische Bezeichnung für Schottland, was für ein Zufall? Harmonische Kombination vollmundiger und fruchtiger Aromen und dem unverwechselbar rauchigen Charakter von Schottland. Dunkle Früchte, Pflaume, Birne, Rosinen, Bratapfel, Torf, Pfeffer, Moos und Gewürznelken.


Nikka Single Malt Miyagikyo

Origin: Japan

Alcohol content: 45%

This Japanese whiskey comes from Nikka's mountain distillery Miyagikyo, which is known for its fruity-floral single malts overlaid with sherry casks. This whiskey has notes of sherry, cinnamon, caramel and fruit with a hint of smoke. Nikka's Miyagikyo Distillery is located in Miyagi Prefecture in the middle of the mountains and can only be reached by a road that leads from the city of Sendai to a mountain range over 1000 meters high and down to a valley beyond.


Highland Park Single Malt Viking Honour

12 yrs

Origin: Scotland

Alcohol content: 40%

Die Destillerie Highland Park wurde 1798 gegründet und gehört somit zu den ältesten Schottlands, die noch heute in Betrieb sind. Sie befindet sich auf den Orkney-Inseln vor der nördlichsten Spitze des Landes, wo ein ideales Klima für die Whisky-Herstellung herrscht. So wird es im Winter nicht zu kalt, im Sommer nicht zu heiss und Wind und Regen gibt es im Überfluss. Die Viking Honour Edition erinnert an die legendären Wikinger, welche ihre Spuren nicht nur in der Kultur der Orkney-Inseln, sondern auch in der Bevölkerung hinterliessen. So hatte Magnus Eunson, der Gründer der weltberühmten Destillerie, echtes Wikingerblut in seinen Adern. Highland Park ist eine der wenigen Destillerien die teilweise ihr eigenes Malz produzieren. Dieser wird leicht rauchig produziert wobei der Torf sorgfältig aus dem Hobbister Moor selektiert wird. Dieser gibt den Whisky seinen unvergleichlichen Heidekraut Aroma. Auch beim Lagern geht Highland Park etwas eigene Wege, ihre sogenannte 'Fass-Harmonisierung' ist einzigartig. So werden Whiskys verschiedener Fässer vermischt und weiter gelagert. Dies wird zur Besserung der Qualität gemacht was zwar etwas merkwürdig tönt aber von Experten als Stärke von Highland Park Whiskys ansehen.


Templeton Rye 6 yrs

Herkunft: USA

Alcohol content: 46%

Der Templeton Rye, genannt "the good stuff", ist ein Roggen-Whisky aus Zeiten der Alkohol-Prohibition, angeblich hat eine Flasche ihren Weg ins Innere von Alcatraz zu Insasse AZ-85, Al Capone, geschafft. Er wird mindestens 6 Jahre in American Oak Flame Charred Fässern gereift. Elegante Aromen von Früchten und Ingwer, der Geschmack von Honig und Roggen sowie feine Holznoten und kräftige Noten dunkler Schokolade geben diesem besonderen Whiskey seinen unvergleichlichen Charakter.


Dalwhinnie Single Malt 15 yrs

Origin: Scotland

Alcohol content: 43%

This 15-year-old single malt with a honeyed character comes from one of the coldest regions of the Highlands. This bottling from Dalwhinnie is one of the best-selling Classic Malts of Scotland. The aroma of this Single Highland Malt shows hints of heather and peat smoke. The mild, fruity-sweet taste leads to an excellently long finish.


Kavalan Single Malt Sherry Oak

Herkunft: Taiwan

Alcohol content: 46%

With over 30 years of experience in brewing beer, at some point the processing of beer into whiskey was due. The Scottish coppersmiths Forsyths in Rothes supplied the 4 pot-stills. Additional equipment includes a mash tun and eight stainless steel fermentation vats. The water comes from the Snow Mountains in Taiwan. The significantly warmer and wetter climate in Taiwan allows the whiskey to mature faster than in Europe. This whiskey is the link between standard bottlings and single cask bottlings. Nutty and spicy aroma with dried fruits, marzipan and vanilla. Strong oak flavors with caramel and raisins. Sweet taste and slightly dry. Chocolate with dried fruits and spices. A long-lasting and fruity finish.


Glenfarclas Single Malt 12 yrs

Origin: Scotland

Alcohol content: 43%

The Scottish Highlands offer an ideal climate for whiskey production, which is why numerous distilleries were established there as early as the 19th century. Including the Glenfarclas Distillery, which was founded in 1836 by Robert Hay. The distillery is still family-owned today and is one of the few that have been able to maintain their independence. The "Glenfarclas 12 Years" is a single malt that matured for twelve years in ex-Oloroso sherry casks, which not only give it the yellow color but also the light honey and wood taste. This single malt Scotch whiskey is distilled in the traditional Speyside style and is golden yellow in colour. Light sherry and honey scent. Spicy and fruity taste with smoke and wood notes. Finish sharp and long, with citrus and spice notes.


Bushmills Single Malt 10 yrs

Origin: Ireland

Alcohol content: 40%

The "Old Bushmills Distillery" is the oldest licensed whiskey distillery in the world. Sir Thomas Philips laid the foundation for the brand in 1608. The 10-year-old single malt Irish whiskey is one of the company's flagship products. Bushmills 10 Year Old is made from 100% malted barley, triple distilled and distilled in copper stills. It is then stored in selected American oak barrels and Spanish Oloroso barrels for a good 10 years. Light scent of honey and ripe fruit. Pleasant sweetness with a hint of vanilla on the palate with a fine note of sherry and milk chocolate. The aftertaste is long, fresh and dry.


Eagle Rare Kentucky Straight Bourbon 10 yrs

Herkunft: USA

Alcohol content: 45%

This bourbon from the Buffalo Trace stables is aged in oak casks for ten years. He is the only bourbon to have won five double gold medals. Made from corn, rye and malted barley. Small batch, aged in oak barrels for ten years. With spicy oak and some smoke on the nose. This is combined with subtle orange and cherry notes. Fruity and rather sweet on the palate, with a little spicy rye. Some toast, honey and nut. Rather short and light on the finish, with some vanilla, oak and leather.


Langatun Single Malt Old Deer

Herkunft: Schweiz

Alcohol content: 40%

Im Kanton Bern hergestellter Single Malt Whisky, der aus ungeräuchertem Gerstenmalz dreifach destilliert wird und danach in alten Sherry- und Chardonnayfässern reift. Die Lagerung in diesen Holzfässern verleiht dem Old Deer Whisky die fruchtig-würzigen Apfel- und Zimtaromen, die sich mit dem malzigen Geschmack der Gerste vermählen. Dieser Whisky hat einen leichten, fruchtig-pfeffrigen Abgang und wird am besten pur oder auf Eis serviert.

Link: https://www.langatun.ch/


Nikka Blended Whisky from the Barrel

Origin: Japan

Alkoholgehalt: 51%

The mild whiskey for beginners. Various single malt and grain whiskeys from both production sites were used for the blended whiskey "Nikka from the Barrel", which rested in used barrels for three to six months after the merger. Spicy and peppery notes on the nose mixed with fine oak wood notes and fruity oranges and vanilla. Fine roasted aromas come to the fore in the taste: walnuts, cinnamon, but also spicy components such as cloves and orange zest can be found.


The Lost Distillery Towiemore Classic Blended Malt

Origin: Scotland

Alcohol content: 43%

The Lost Distillery Towiemore Classic Selection is a 43% blended malt reminiscent of the whiskey from the Towiemore Distillery, located in Speyside and active from 1898 to 1931. In small batches, these perfectly matched single malts are married to form a blend. The malts are between 12 and 15 years old. The blended malt is complex on the nose, with herbal accents. With the addition of air, the nose softens and develops into honeyed notes and ripe fruit. On the palate it is powerful, spicy and fruity, with an oily touch. The finish is warm, with hints of dark chocolate, walnuts and bitter orange.


Balvenie Single Malt Caribbean Cask 14 yrs

Origin: Scotland

Alcohol content: 43%

Perhaps the most exotic version is the 14-year-old Caribbean Cask, which was allowed to absorb a touch of Caribbean room aroma. This whiskey was first stored in traditional oak casks before being transferred to ex-rum casks for an indefinite period of post-maturation. David C. Stewart practically makes these rum casks himself according to his taste by filling American white oak casks with a blend of sugar cane brandies from the West Indies and then waiting until the wood has soaked up the ideal amount of aromas. What ultimately happens to the rum remains a bit of a mystery, but the resulting whiskey awakens promising associations. It smells of sugar cane, pineapple, papaya, coconut, toffee and vanilla. The taste of the Balvenie Caribbean Cask 14 Years is creamy and fruity, but still quite dry and salty with aromas of oak.

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