Gin Special Edition 2021

Gin advent calendar

24 Gins mit einer Vielfalt aus verschiedenen Ländern.

Your calendar contains 24 bottles with 20ml content. Further down on this page you will find information about the 24 different gins that you can taste during the Advent season.

gin knowledge

Did you know?

Gin kann aus so ziemlich allem hergestellt werden, was sich destillieren lässt. Per Definition ist Gin eine Spirituose mit Wacholdergeschmack, die durch Aromatisieren von trinkbarem Alkohol mit Wacholderbeeren gewonnen wird.

Der Name Gin ist eine verkürzte Form von ...

Genever – «Genever». . Der Begriff leitet sich von dem niederländischen Wort «jeneverbes» für Wacholder ab.

Who invented it? Surprisingly, not the English, but the Dutch. A Dutch doctor invented a juniper schnapps in the 17th century, which he called "Genever". English soldiers brought this liquor to the British Isles. There it was given the simpler name “gin”.

Die größten Gin-Liebhaber…

…leben auf den Philippinen! Dort ist der Gin-Konsum pro Person weltweit am größten. Wer hätte gedacht, dass die Philippinos da die Engländer übertreffen? 

Where does almost all juniper come from? Wild-picked – most juniper used in gin production grows wild

London Dry Gin is not always from London. In fact, the majority of London Dry Gins do not come from London at all, but from other cities. Unlike cognac, scotch or tequila, for example, gin has no legal geographical restrictions as far as production is concerned.

What does the designation London Dry Gin mean? Style of Production - London Dry Gin is not a specific brand or denomination of origin, but a category with specific rules for distillation and ingredients. So a kind of purity law.

Wie lautet der Begriff für die typischen Inhaltsstoffe, die jeden Gin einzigartig machen?

Botanicals – alle Aromen, die Gin beigefügt werden, um sein jeweils individuelles Aroma herzustellen, werden als Botanicals bezeichnet. Hierzu werden beispielsweise Beeren, Rinden, Samen, Früchte, Fruchtschalen, Gewürze, Kräuter und Wurzeln verwendet.

Gin and tonic used to be used as a medicine. Against what did he help? Malaria - Tonic is quinine water and quinine was the only cure for malaria for centuries. However, since quinine is very bitter, people started mixing it - that's how the tonic found its way into the gin. The daily gin and tonic thus became a “gratifying duty” against malaria.

Your 24 gin bottles contain...


Dry Gin, Cambridge Distillery

Herkunft: England

Alcohol content: 42%


The Fresh Herbs and Spices are all grown within a maximum 10 mile radius of Cambridge Distillery. Each ingredient is distilled individually under vacuum and in very small quantities.

The product

Leicht mit subtilen Basilikum Noten und wärmendem  Rosmarin. Rosennoten balancieren die Wacholderaromen aus. Frisch mit einem Hauch   Zitronenverbene.


Elephant Orange & Cocoa Gin

Herkunft: Deutschland

Alcohol content: 40%


Known and appreciated by chocolate lovers for a long time: the combination of cocoa and oranges. So the makers of Elephant Gin were inspired by it and now it's here, the Elephant Gin Orange & Cocoa. Sun-ripened, aromatic organic oranges meet gently roasted cocoa beans. The basis is the harmonious and balanced Elephant London Dry Gin.

The product

In addition to the focus on juniper, which can be clearly felt in the London Dry Gin, wonderful aromas of citrus-sweet oranges and velvety, chocolaty cocoa beans come together here.


Colours Swiss Gin VIOLET, Nginious

Herkunft: Schweiz

Alcohol content: 40%


After distillation, three natural botanicals are added to the gin through maceration, giving it the right color for the aroma and underpinning its unique character. It adds another dimension to the senses used when drinking the gin. Smell, taste, see! Chocolate - Violet - Pepper.

The product

Sanfte florale Noten, unterstützt durch die Reichhaltigkeit von Kakao, pfeffriger Würze und einem guten Kern von Wacholder.



Bathtub Gin Navy Strength, Abelforth's

Herkunft: England

Alkoholgehalt: 57%


Made with Caribbean rum, Madagascan vanilla, orange peel, cinnamon, cloves and cardamom. Cornelius Ampleforth is considered a crazy professor in the international spirits scene. The botanicals used include juniper, orange zest, coriander, cinnamon, cloves and cardamom. There is also the Bathtub Gin Navy Strength with the traditional alcohol strength of 57 percent by volume.

The product

Intense scent of vanilla and oranges accompanied by cloves, cinnamon and cardamom. On the palate again this sweet vanilla and spices mixed with honey and spices and cola herb. The aftertaste is fresh with creamy vanilla.


Berlin Dry Gin, Berlin arsonist

Herkunft: Deutschland

Alcohol content: 43.3%


The flowers and herbs are grown on Berlin farmland and picked by hand. Due to the limited harvest quantity, the annual production is limited. The gin is filtered 7 times and each bottle is hand bottled and numbered.


Characterful juniper supplemented with elder and mallow blossoms, woodruff and cucumber. Mild, fresh and floral dry gin. The flowers and herbs are grown on Berlin farmland.


Bobby's Schiedam Dry Gin, Bobby's Dry Gin

Origin: Netherlands

Alcohol content: 42%


Bobby's Schiedam Dry Gin uses only organic ingredients to create its signature scent and taste. A unique blend of Indonesian spice and traditional plants. Botanicals such as juniper, fennel and rose hips make Bobby's a "Schiedam Dry Gin" and create the balance between East and West.

The product

The nose is spicy and fragrant with exotic spices such as lemongrass and cubeb pepper, but there are also classic components such as juniper, fennel and rosehip. Citrus fruits and herbs with light pepper at the beginning on the palate. A balanced experience.


Boë Scottish Gin

Origin: Scotland

Alcohol content: 41.50%


The name of this gin is a homage to the doctor Franz de la Boë, who mixed grain alcohol with a juniper infusion in 1658 and is said to have invented the first gin in the world. The Boë Superior is made in the Scottish village of Doune on the River Teith and gets its aroma from a whole range of botanicals, some of which are picked by hand in the Scottish countryside: juniper, cinnamon cassia, sweet flag root, dill, fennel, nutmeg, angelica root , orange and lemon peels, grains of paradise, cardamom seeds, violet root and more.

The product

In der Nase mit Küchenkräutern und Wacholder. Am Gaumen wiederholen sich die Eindrücke von Dill, Fenchel und Wacholder, dazu Kubebenpfeffer und ein Hauch Zimt.


Seville Orange Marmalade, Chase Destillery 

Herkunft: England

Alcohol content: 40%


Alle Botanicals, welche für diesen einzigartigen Gin verwendet werden kommen zu 100% vom eigenen Hofgut. Darin finden sich sorgfältig ausgewählte Zutaten wie: Holunderblüten, Zitronen und natürlich Wacholderbeeren.   

The product

The base spirit for the Seville Orange Gin is a cider (cider) in which the apples come 100% from the farm. The "Seville oranges" are only used at the end. After the botanicals and the base spirit have been combined, the gin is distilled through these "Seville oranges" (bitter orange).


Sloe Gin, Macardo

Herkunft: Schweiz

Alcohol content: 28%


For this delicacy, Macardo Sir Dry Gin is combined with the pure juice of hand-picked sloe berries to create a uniquely fruity liqueur.

the results

A symbiosis of juniper and the 18 other botanicals from Sir Dry Gin with delicate almond and marzipan aromas. This sloe gin is the perfect Swiss spirit. It always tastes good. For example, in winter it warms your heart and in summer it is refreshing "on the rocks" as "Sloesecco" or as a traditional Sloe Gin Fizz.


Wunderburg Orange Gin

Herkunft: Deutschland

Alcohol content: 45%


Erfrischend anders, erfrischend orange! Sizilianische Orangen und sonnenverwöhnte Mandarinen aus Kalabrien verleihen dem WUNDERBURG Orange das Besondere. Klasse Optik im Glas, wunderbarer Zitrus-Geschmack mit betörende Orangen- und Mandarinennoten.


Japanese Gin, Etsu

Origin: Japan

Alcohol content: 43%


Etsu Gin comes from Hokkaido. The two main botanicals come from Okinawa Sancho Pepper and Yuzu. The aroma is refined with berries and a secret tea blend. Expressive and balanced with a Far Eastern touch.

The product

Fresh and lemony scent mixed with floral notes. Very balanced on the palate with aromas of berries and green tea. The finish is accompanied by the unmistakable taste of yuzu.


Läckerli Gin, Liebling Gin

Herkunft: Schweiz

Alcohol content: 42%


Six boys wanted to create a unique farewell gift for a mutual friend who was leaving Basel to go abroad. A Basel specialty gin.

The product

An exceptional gin with aromas of gingerbread, cinnamon, honey and almonds. Rather sweet on the palate, candied fruits, caramelized nuts and Christmas spices.


Gretchen Gin

Herkunft: Deutschland

Alcohol content: 44%


18 sorgfältig ausgewählte Botanicals, regional verwurzelte Zutaten, auf traditionellen Brennblasen im   Schwarzwald gebrannt – im GRETCHEN Distilled Dry Gin steckt die geballte Fruchtkompetenz der in 6. Generation geführten Schwarzwälder Hausbrennerei Alfred Schladerer.   

The product

Fresh berries, aromatic blossoms and aromatic herbs. Refined with the finest quince brandy and delicate spruce sprouts. Naturally fruity and harmoniously tart.


Rare Citrus, Silent Pool

Herkunft: England

Alcohol content: 43%


The water used for production is obtained directly from a small lake in front of the distillery, the "Silent Pool". The gin is made entirely within the four walls of the distillery with the utmost precision and great attention to detail

The product

Coriander, angelica root, liquorice and cassia paired with fresh citrus aromas.


Dry Gin, Rammstein

Origin: Denmark

Alcohol content: 40%


Juniper, coriander, angelica root and lemon peel are used to make Rammstein Gin. In addition to their music, the Rammstein band has already been able to impress with three spirits creations: After the Rammstein Vodka, the Rammstein Tequila and the Rammstein Rum, the fourth product now follows with the gin. The classic dry gin with the delicate citrus notes is ideal for summer cocktail evenings, for example.

The product

Geruch: Es sind zunächst Noten von Koriander und Wacholder wahrnehmbar. Auf sie folgen florale Noten sowie Zitrusnoten, die an einigen cremigen Lemon Curd denken lassen. Geschmack: Das Aroma des Rammstein Gins entspricht, wie bereits das Flaschen-Design vermuten lässt, dem eines klassischen Dry Gins, was bedeutet, dass das Aroma der Wacholderbeere im Vordergrund steht. Kombiniert wird es hier mit Botanicals wie Koriander, Angelikawurzel und einem Hauch von Zitrus, sowie einer süssen Milde im Abgang.


Saffron Gin, Boudier

Origin: France

Alcohol content: 40%


This orange-colored gin gets its extraordinary tint from the addition of real saffron threads. Incidentally, the coveted oriental spice also grows in Spain and to a lesser extent in Switzerland, and is so valuable due to the labour-intensive extraction. Saffron Gin has been produced by the Gabriel Boudier distillery in Dijon, France, since 2008.

The product

In den Archiven der Firma entdeckte man ein altes Gin-Rezept mit Safran. Nebst Safran sind Wacholder, Koriander, Fenchel, Angelikawurzel sowie Zitronen- und Orangenschalen vertreten. Da die Wacholdernoten bei der Verkostung in den Hintergrund treten und dem Fenchel die Dominanz überlassen, klassifiziert sich der Gin eher als New Western.


Gin Coca Leaf Black Edition, Amuerte

Origin: Belgium

Alcohol content: 43%

The product

The Black Gin redefines the standards, inside are the classic gin ingredients complemented with Peruvian coca leaves, dragon fruit, tamarillo, papaya, Peruvian physalis and orange peel and bottled in our exclusive hand-painted bottles finished with 24k gold foil. It is probably the most exclusive bottle a gin lover can own.


The product

From bitter to slightly sweet, the Amuerte gin offers a complex aroma profile. Tree tomato (or tamarillo), dragon fruit and papaya provide the gin with exotic nuances that, together with the coca leaf aromas, transport you directly to the South American jungle.


Gin Small Batch, Brooklyn

Herkunft: USA

Alcohol content: 40%


11 botanicals, 5 of which are citrus: Eureka, Persian and Mexican lemons, kumquat and navel oranges. Also juniper berries, lavender, cocoa beans, coriander, violet and angelica root. Macerated in corn brandy, then distilled.

The product

Present gin bouquet with some coriander. Very soft in the mouth, aromatic, powerful, long resinous-woody juniper aroma in the finish.


Ginuine Swiss Apple Gin

Herkunft: Schweiz

Alcohol content: 40%


With the Ginuine Swiss Apple, the nose immediately notices the fruity, fully ripe apple notes. On the palate there is a harmonious interplay between the juniper and the hand-picked Swiss apples. Notes of Swiss herbs round off the Swiss gin, which is distilled three times in copper stills.

The product

Swiss apples, Swiss herbs, juniper


The Botanist Islay Dry Gin

Origin: Scotland

Alcohol content: 46%


The Botanist Islay Dry Gin is made at Bruichladdich Distillery. Nine classic gin ingredients are used for this. These are further enriched with an exceptional combination of 22 wild plants native to Islay.

The product

The result is an incomparably complex and floral gin.


Filliers Barrel Aged

Origin: Belgium

Alkoholgehalt: 43.70%


Die Reifephase in französischen Fässern aus Limousin-Eiche hat dem Barrel Aged Dry Gin von Filliers aus Belgien Wiedererkennungswert und eine helle Farbe verliehen. Was das Aroma angeht, punktet der Filliers Barrel Aged Dry Gin mit schön viel Wacholder sowie Mandeln, Vanillepudding und Kuchen, mit einem Hauch von Gewürzen, saftigen Orange- und Zitronennoten runden den positiven Eindruck ab.

The product

The taste of the Filliers 28 Gin reveals tones of citrus fruit and juniper berries. He is both productive and soft. The finish is drier and, thanks to notes of oranges and lemons, nicely stimulating. Vanilla and pastries resonate.


Gin 1616 Swiss Dry Gin

Herkunft: Schweiz

Alcohol content: 49.12%


Der Langatun Gin 1616 wird aus zwölf geheimgehaltenen Botanicals gebrannt (Wacholder ist natürlich dabei!), die ihre Aromen an das Destillat übertragen. Da das denkmalgeschützte Gebäude der Brennerei Baujahr 1616 ist und dieser Gin nebst anderen Spirituosen für das 400-jährige Jubiläum entwickelt wurde, trägt das Produkt den ungewöhnlichen Namen. Der Alkoholgehalt von 49.12% ist übrigens auch nicht zufällig gewählt: Die Zahl repräsentiert die Postleitzahl von Aarwangen, dem Heimatsort der Brennerei.

The product

The taste profile is very strong, while remaining velvety soft in the mouth. The wonderfully complex aromas captivate from the first sip with hints of ripe oranges, fresh limes and a pleasantly pleasant spiciness, which the juniper plays harmoniously.


YuGin France

Origin: France

Alcohol content: 43%


YuGin is a French distillate from Spiritique. The gin is based on the botanicals juniper, pepper and yuzu. Inspired by Wabi Sabi, the YuGin represents complexity and simplicity at the same time.

The product

The French blend of natural yuzu extracts, Sichuan pepper, coriander and juniper has Japanese roots. Yuzu has long been used in cooking in Japan for its relaxing and refreshing properties.


Swiss Pink Lady Gin, Langatun

Herkunft: Schweiz

Alcohol content: 44%


This gin gets a unique aroma from the various enriched spices. Its unmistakable color is striking. Pleasant aromas of spices and lemongrass spoil the nose. The bittersweet note accompanied by the dominance of juniper captivates from the first sip.

The product

Gewürzsäckli, Liebstöckel, Zitronengras, Orangeat, Zitrus. Angenehm leicht süsslich, erfrischendes Süssholzaroma.

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